
Discuss anything to do with encaustic art particularly in the UK. If you want to join in, just sign in to your blogger acount - it's free and easy to open one if you haven't already done so. you can then comment on the posts. If you want to be able to post new topics on here as well, you need to contact me for permission. barry.moulton@virgin.net

My Photo
Location: Wakes Colne, Colchester, Essex, United Kingdom

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Craft Fair at Woburn in May, 2012. Unfortunately, this event has been cancelled by the organiser due to the extremely wet conditions presently.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Encaustic Art at Sandringham

From Friday 13th to Sun 15th, August, I'll be at the Sandringham Art, Craft & Sculpture show.

I'll be demonstrating all the while and, if space permits, I'll be running half hour long workshops where people can get their first taste of encaustic art for just £2. They keep all that they can make in that time! They also get a coupon worth £2 to spend with me that day!

I'll also have lots of things for sale - some of my work but also encaustic supplies in abundance!

If anyone wants one of my £45.90 starter sets (includes the iron!), I'll give them £6 worth of card free with it at the show.


Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Steinel heat gun

I've got a few Steinel heat guns in stock now.
These are like the ones used in the "Exploring ideas" and "Hobby to Art" encaustic wax DVDs.

More Information

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Encaustic price rises inevitable.

My prices for encaustic supplies have changed very litle for many years now.
Unfortunately, some prices will soon have to rise.
A lot of encaustic stuff is imported via Holland, so the Pound/Euro ratio can affect wholesale prices quite dramatically.

I've only recently printed an order form which stated "valid for 2008" or something like that; if you have one of those, I'll try to honour all the prices on there for the whole of this year.

But, my buying prices are set to rise substantially next month so eventually, my retail prices will have to increase too. My next printing of the order form will show some of those increases.

I guess the message is "if you need supplies, buy them soon!


Monday, November 19, 2007

Sandringham Craft Show

From Friday 23rd to Sun 25th, November, I'll be at the Sandringham craft show.

I'll be demonstrating all the while and, if space permits, I'll be running half hour long workshops where people can get their first taste of encaustic art for just £2. They keep all that they can make in that time! They also get a coupon worth £2 to spend with me that day!

I'll also have lots of things for sale - some of my work but also encaustic supplies in abundance!

If anyone wants one of my £37.90 starter sets (includes the iron!), I'll give them £5 of card free with it at the show.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Different encaustic book now in stock

"Are there no books on encaustic apart from those 3 by Michael Bossom?" I get asked quite often.
There are some others and I've now got a good supply of "Wax Art" by Hazel Marsh.

This has 122 pages with lots of different ideas and all quite simple stuff. I'm selling it for £9.50 although the RSP is about £12.95

I think it's out of print now so if you want one, buy now!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Encaustic Wax Exhibition at Walton Library

Maybe I forgot to mention..........

My pictures are hanging in Walton (Essex) library for the whole of August and all are for sale!

Encaustic Wax demonstration at Walton Library

On Monday last, I appeared in Walton (Essex) library in the afternoon and set up my demo area.
I didn't really expect to see many people but several came along and most stayed quite a while. One lady stayed for the whole afternoon just captivated by how encaustic works.